Posts Tagged ‘Stone’

Well this was the day for Jodi and Auntie Sovo’s big adventure. It was a fact finding and R&D purchasing trip. So the only reasonable thing to do was to start at Bedrock Industries. What better place to go for creative, and as it turns out…social edification. Just take a look at these pictures and you’ll see what I mean. How beautiful the world would be if the next road you traveled was paved with these deep blue pebbles. And the kicker…these are nearly as ‘green’ as the original gravel. As you go through these pictures keep in mind that there is no extra pigment applied to the glass. This is all recycled with abundant creativity and earth awareness.

Bedrock Industries is truly amazing. Everything that is made there is designed with a creative eye. Walking around with my camera kept me interested for most of the visit. Please keep this place in mind when making props for your studio, designing things in your home or just wanting to do a creative new project.