Posts Tagged ‘Newborn’

I got to meet and photograph this precious little baby while I was home visiting on vacation. I tried to plan my trip around her arrival. I figured she would be a little late and wanted to make sure I was still there when she decided to come in to the world. Well, Kaylee decided to do the opposite and came quite a bit early. She was photographed here at about 2 weeks, which I would not recommend for a newborn session. But, it was crazy because she slept better than any of my newborns and was more than happy to let me put her in any pose and in any location. What a sweet little girl. I miss her already!! 🙁

Here are a few from her newborn session. Keep an eye out for some with mommy & daddy too..

Baby Anjolie. The best sleeper to date. She was such a joy to have in the studio and kept us laughing with all of her facial expressions and her willingness to be curled into pretty much any position. She is such a beautiful adorable baby and it was so nice to see how much her new parents just love her. Thanks for bringing her in and can’t wait to see how this little baby grows!

I had baby Brooke come to my house for a few shots I had wanted to try. It was one of our 90+ degree days but everyone did awesomely.. Kirk even put on a wool suit! Here are a few shots from our day…

It seemed to me like Whitney had the longest pregnancy ever known to man-kind. This baby was definitely anxiously awaited by many people. She was worth the wait. Just 4 days old … Here is little Brooke with her proud parents.

All hats made by Lollipop Tops … Please contact me for any information regarding these hats.