Posts Tagged ‘Fargo’

One of my favorite things about my life is being an auntie to 3 amazing kids. And, within a month, I will have another precious niece to love. I was home visiting North Dakota last week and did a short session of my sister, her husband Danny & my nephew E. Jenna knew exactly what type of shot she wanted. We photographed that image, a few more, and were out of there! Β πŸ™‚ Β Here are the images from her session.

Be sure to find us on Facebook and let us know which are YOUR favorites!

I can’t say that I personally have one very best friend, or someone who is my absolute favorite (excluding my Grandma) Β πŸ™‚ Β — But, I definitely have the “longest” friend. That’s Allison. We will be having our 25th anniversary as friends next September!

I adore her and her husband, Dan. Every year I go home to visit, I can count on her spending as much time with me as she possibly can. When we hang out, it’s like I never even left. We go way back – to the long nights of our parents playing in pinochle tournaments, taking professional “best friend” pictures (don’t worry Allison – I’ll spare the embarrassment of posting them), sharing an entire pumpkin pie one Thanksgiving, or the shenanigans we got into while in high school. Β πŸ˜‰

I know Allison & Dan are going to make GREAT parents. I’m so excited to see the fingers, toes, noes, and smile of this little one that they will be bringing in to the world in just a few short weeks. While I was home, we shot their maternity session in Battle Lake after her baby shower. It was a beautiful night & ended with some cool fireworks on the way home.

Please enjoy these images. Summer is (sadly) over, but this light will remind you of the beautiful days we did have!

I got to meet and photograph this precious little baby while I was home visiting on vacation. I tried to plan my trip around her arrival. I figured she would be a little late and wanted to make sure I was still there when she decided to come in to the world. Well, Kaylee decided to do the opposite and came quite a bit early. She was photographed here at about 2 weeks, which I would not recommend for a newborn session. But, it was crazy because she slept better than any of my newborns and was more than happy to let me put her in any pose and in any location. What a sweet little girl. I miss her already!! πŸ™

Here are a few from her newborn session. Keep an eye out for some with mommy & daddy too..

I had to title this posting “Sweet Baby Angel” because that explains Adam so well!

Adam is my friend from college. We have this sort of arrangement that any time he falls asleep in my presence, you can guarantee I will capture him in a photo or on video. It is hilarious. I have many of them posted on my facebook. Hence, the sweet baby angel… with his hand tucked under his chin… Precious …

Ok, enough teasing and embarrassment for now. Really, Adam is such an amazing person. He is a great friend and an AMAZING photographer. Check out his work: Adam Hommerding Photography

The other person in the images below is Amanda. Amanda is sensational. Another great friend of mine. I just wish I got to see her more often that I do. She is also another awesome photographer. I love surrounding myself with people who are so inspirational to me. Please enjoy their faces, because I sure do! πŸ™‚